Community Action 

Dear Ask AAUW-AZ:
Our Branch is considering a collaboration with the local city library to facilitate some type of event (to be determined). Any suggestions on how to approach this relationship so both parties provide equal(?) effort and receive equal credit (??) Any advice on dealing with the “power dynamics” of negotiation with another organization?    –Cautious

Leadership Panel Says:

  • What are the Branch’s specific goals? Going into the engagement, come from a position of transparency and clarity.  State intended outcomes at the outset. Raise AAUW profile in the community? Community education and engagement? New members? Raise funds for scholarships?  Other? To maximize the outcomes, let this be more than another great idea. Clarify the intended  bang amongst Branch members. Give a day to clarify, then move into negotiations. Good luck!
  • I’m on our Library Board and we love to have organizations come to us to collaborate.  There is usually a community outreach staffer who will be helpful….set up a meeting to review the logistics and what approvals/liabilities need to be researched. Best to get written agreement as to the roles and responsibilities of each organization.
  • We worked with the League of Women Voters 2x on Running and Winning, a program for senior girls on getting involved in campaigns and running for office.  Sharing the work and costs will fall into place with planned meetings…the library would provide a great deal of in-kind help and AAUW women, the workers.