
Arizona’s 800 AAUW Members Welcome You!

  • Mission: AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through                                 research, education, and advocacy
  • Vision: Equity for all
  • Values: Nonpartisan, Fact based, Integrity, Inclusion & Intersectionality

AAUW ARIZONA is part of the Rocky Mountain Region of AAUW. With seven branches throughout the state, our members have for over fifty years achieved goals for improvement, opportunity, and equity for women & girls in education, the workplace, and the community.


Stay informed and up-to-date with what is happening in the State. Download the March 2025 AZ Sun Newsletter


Click here for more details  |  Download the flyer: 2025 Spring Forum Flyer

The 2024 AAUW AZ Fall Forum was held in Tucson that included a board meeting Friday, November 8 and on Saturday, November 9, the Now We Lead program.

Guest speakers, Melissa La Duke from AAUW Board of Directors, and Magdelena Vergudo, CEO of the YWCA, Southern AZ, shared their leadership experiences.

Three AAUW AZ amendments were ratified, see the Bylaws and Policies page for details.

Becky Gunn, AAUW AZ President

Members and Guests

Green Valley Branch

Northwest Valley Branch







Is it time to renew your AAUW membership for 2024-2025?

To renew online, see this video on how to self-renew

More information about  renewing or joining as a new member is available at https://www.aauw.org/resources/member/why-join/

This year’s membership dues are $72 for AAUW National (all tax deductible), $9 AAUW AZ (unchanged), plus the applicable AAUW Branch dues.


Don’t Miss AAUW Emails – If you are not receiving AAUW National emails go to https://aauw.us/emailoptions to get back on National’s email list.

The 2024-2025 Expense Claim Form is available, click HERE.

AAUW National Member Election 2024 Results

AAUW National called on all members to vote on the AAUW Bylaw changes. The amendments, recommended by the AAUW Board of Directors and Governance Committee, aimed to open membership and bring fresh perspectives to our organization.

The votes were tallied and the open membership initiative did not pass. Changes to AAUW’s Bylaws require 2/3 majority (66.6%) to pass. AAUW members voted 65.1% to approve the measure, just shy of passing. Click here for more information.

2024 Legislative Day | Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at the Capitol

At the Historic Senate Chambers at the Arizona Capitol Museum, almost 50 AAUW members representing six Branches attended the latest annual Legislative Day. 

Moving Forward: The Why, the What, the How

On November 4, twenty (20) AAUW State and Branch Leaders met to discuss how we regain a Mission oriented momentum.

Seven Branches were represented by their Presidents, VPs of Programs, Public Policy, and Membership. State Board members were also present.

The AAUW AZ Bylaws were revised, effective September 20, 2023. A copy of the revised Bylaws, AAUW AZ Policies, and AAUW AZ Job  Descriptions are posted here.

AAUW AZ is proud to collaborate with Colleges and Universities throughout Arizona.  We work together on AAUW AZ mission-centric programs and projects to advance gender equity for women and girls through advocacy and education. Staff and students of these Colleges and Universities are offered special membership rates with all the AAUW benefits.

For more information about AAUW’s College/University Partner program, click here.

What is AAUW all about?

 Since its first meeting in 1881, AAUW has been a catalyst for change. Our nonpartisan, nonprofit organization has more than 170,000 members and supporters across the United States, as well as 1,000 local branches and over 800 college and university partners. Throughout our history, AAUW members have examined and taken positions on the fundamental issues of the day — educational, social, economic, and political.

Membership is open to all graduates who hold an associate’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university.

In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There are no barriers to full participation in this organization  on the basis of gender, race, creed, age,  sexual orientation, national origin, disability or class.

Find out more about becoming an AAUW member by clicking here.